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The competition of the summer
Girarifugi, 2016, walking, participate and win.

Play with Lombardy’s huts. From June to October, collect the points on the card GIRARIFUGI E ALPEGGI and you could win a gadget!
Everytime you reach one of the premises listed on Girarifugi e Alpeggi card, you could request a fidelity stamp (to put in one of the card boxes) proving your visit. This is a nominative card and must be filled in before placing any stamp. For huts and alpine meadows, stamps are marked with 1, 2, 3 little houses, corresponding to the assigned points, depending on the travel time needed to reach the premises.


Collect 25 points (little houses) of which at least 3 resulting from tours in alpine meadows, always remembering that the card cannot have more than one stamp for each hut or alpine meadow


Once completed the stamp collection, if you want to get the gadget offered by Sport Specialist, you could collect it from 01/10 to 15/12/2013, delivering the card in Sport Specialist stores.

Otherwise, if you want to receive a overnight stay in a hut participating in the initiative (specified by the Organization), or a voucher for the collection of products made in alpine pastures (about1/2 kg) to be carried out in an alpine meadow belonging to Forests of Lombardy choosed by you (they are marked in green colour in the list) according to the specified time, you will have to send the card to Assorifugi, Via Gennaro Sora 22/b 25048 EDOLO (BS). The voucher shall be received not later than 15/12/2013. The prizes are subject to availability and will be sent within 31 March 2014.

Download Girarifugi card 2016!



Ultimi eventi nei Rifugi di Lombardia