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Mt. 1930

Rifugio Aviolo Sandro Occhi

At 1930 m of altitude in the wonderful landscape of Aviolo and Baitone Lakes, in the heart of lombard Adamello Park, in the municipality of Edolo in Upper Vallecamonica.
The hut “Sandro Occhi” in Aviolo belonging to Cai of Edolo municipality is a cosy small hotel with an excellent homemade cuisine, open from the beginning of June to the end of September and in other periods  with advance booking.
It has rooms with 54 beds, toilet facilities and showers with tap and hot water. Winter structure, always open. It belongs to “Albergo Verde” of Vallecamonica, promoting the adoption of practices in tune with the landscape, with the local culture and the purpose of the protected area of the Adamello Park, whose Environmental Brand is official partner. Its position, along the Alta Via dell’Adamello, is ideal for several hikes and climbings, to explore the magnificent landscape belonging to the Park nature reserve and the heart of an European site of Community importance (SIC).
Otherwise, you can simply spend your time lazing or sunbathing on the shores of the enchanting lake – where fishing is available –  or of the crystal clear creek, in peace and silence of the unspoilt nature.
Recommended Months:
– June and July, for the gorgeous blooms
– August, to walk away from the crowds
– September and October, for the colors of vegetation of peatlands and of Lake
Beds: 56 Dining seats: 80 External table seats: 80 Local Places Winter: 14 Discounts CAI
  • Access On Foot Only
  • Sheet Bag For Sale
  • Duvets
  • Climbing Gym
  • Hot Water
  • Current 220V
  • Shower
  • Local Products
  • Selection Of Bottled Wines
The excellent cuisine
The friendliness of a family-run accomodation
The magnificent landscape surrounding the wonderful Aviolo Lake
The accessibility suitable for all families
Starting point for easy walks, hiking, alpine trails