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Imagine,Discover Imagine Imagine,Discover Discover
Mt. 1760

Rifugio Laeng

Situated on a hump in the hollow of Varicla, is framed by limestone rocky walls comparable with the Dolomites, belonging to Pizzo Camino group. It’s set in an environment similar to a garden, where each tree, bush, flower and rock seems arranged with matchless landscape sensitivity.
The area is rich in plant species, even rare.
Beds: 15 External table seats: 20
  • Access On Foot Only
Management entrusted to a group of volunteers belonging to Mato Grosso Operation and proceeds entirely benefits name of charity for the missions in Latin America. It can be reached just on foot, and it fosters a break from daily life and a sense of reinvigorating serenity and peacefulness.
The size and the basic nature of the hut allow a homey hospitality and our dishes are traditional, but prepared with cure and passion.