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Imagine,Discover Imagine Imagine,Discover Discover
Mt. 1680

Rifugio Alpe Granda

A brand-new building, entirely made of wood, surrounded by the greenery of woods and still exploited pastures.
New family-run Management
We are open every day until  1. November!! For further informations, please call us
Beds: 21 Dining seats: 52 External table seats: 20 Local Places Winter: 4 Half board price: from 65 €€ a 85 €
  • Shuttle Service
  • Access On Foot Only
  • Animals Allowed
  • Internet
  • GSM Coverage
  • Sheet Bag For Sale
  • Sheets as Option
  • Hot Water
  • Current 220V
  • Shower
  • Local Products
  • Selection Of Bottled Wines
  • Menu for Vegetarians
  • Menu for Intolerant People
  • Bike Hotel
Homemade cuisine, according to the local gastronomy
Waiting to be discovered.......with you.. of course