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Imagine,Discover Imagine Imagine,Discover Discover
Mt. 1365

Rifugio Antonietta al Pialeral

The hut is located on the Northern Grigna halfway between Pasturo built-up area and Brioschi Hut situated on the mountain top. It enjoys a wonderful scenic view on the whole Valsassina and it is the arrival point for many hikers, families and groups.

During the summer season, it’s possibile to take several and easy walks, while in wintertime it remains the favourite destination for mountain climbers scaling towards the Grignone peak with the proper winter equipment.
Beds: 20 Dining seats: 55 External table seats: 50 Discounts for groups and families Opening On Request Half board price: from 50 €€ a 60 €
  • Access On Foot Only
  • Animals Allowed
  • Internet
  • GSM Coverage
  • Sheet Bag For Sale
  • Sheets as Option
  • Duvets
  • Hot Water
  • Current 220V
  • Shower
  • Local Products
  • Selection Of Bottled Wines
  • Menu for Intolerant People
Show the opening calendar of the hut