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Imagine,Discover Imagine Imagine,Discover Discover
Mt. 1890

Rifugio Cazzaniga Merlini

The hut is the stop point along the trail 101 of western Orobie. Its octagonal structure allows to enjoy a 360° view over the surrounding landscape, from the Orobie to the Appennines up to the Alps, with Grignes’ eastern slope at the forefront. From the immediate vicinity, you can admire the Rhaetian Alps and Pizzo dei 3 Signori, too. During the summer months, near the hut you can assist in the production and preparation of cheese. 24 beds arranged in 5 rooms, each with bunk beds.
Beds: 24 Dining seats: 50 External table seats: 50 Opening On Request Half board price: from 60 €€ a 65 €
  • Access On Foot Only
  • Internet
  • Internet Infopoint
  • GSM Coverage
  • Sheet Bag For Sale
  • Duvets
  • Hot Water
  • Current 220V
  • Shower
  • Local Products
  • Selection Of Bottled Wines
  • Menu for Vegetarians
  • Menu for Intolerant People
  • Bike Hotel
  • Bancomat
accessibility, quality research through the usage of products and cheese of local production