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Mt. 1017

Rifugio Campei de Sima

” Giuseppe Granata – Campei de Sima” Hut is located in Campiglio di Cima locality, in Toscolano Maderno municipality, inside the Natural Park of Upper Garda of province Brescia at 1.017 mt. Of altitude. The Hut originates from the village that a long time ago was composed by three buildings and a gorgeous small church. A happy marriage between Ersaf  and ANA Section Mount Suello has enabled, within five years, to make accessible a forsaken housing complex and completely completely destroyed by the passage of time. The hut is open from April to the end of October – except the weekends of ANA National  Gathering and of Sectional Gathering of Mount Suello
The schools of the district belonging to the Section Mount Suello and of surrounding areas have attended in turn the hut and at each practice, more than 550 students have spent one/two full immersion days  among nature and life in a hut.
Beds: 56 Dining seats: 120 External table seats: 20 Local Places Winter: 5 Opening On Request Half board price: from 27 €€ a 36 €
  • Access On Foot Only
  • No Animals Allowed
  • Internet
  • GSM Coverage
  • Sheet Bag For Sale
  • Hot Water
  • Current 220V
  • Shower
  • Bike Hotel
The hut is provided by a current generator and tap water with kitchen
Every year, more than 500 children of primary schools attend the hut
Arrival from Toscolano, from Vobarno, hamlet of Degagna, from Treviso towards Fobbia locality