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Imagine,Discover Imagine Imagine,Discover Discover
Mt. 2390

Rifugio Torsoleto

Torsoleto Hut was entirely built through shoulder-transports by friends and young people belonging to Mato Grosso Operation, to remember Battistino Bonali and Giandomenico Ducoli, mountain climbers from Valcamonica dead in Perù during a climbing on the Huascaran: the motto of the expedition, climb high to help those laying down, specified the purpose of tangible cooperation to support the Andean Hospital, that at that time was under construction in Chacas. The Hut management, entirely due to volunteers, needs to help the OMG missions in Latin America
Beds: 22 Dining seats: 30 Local Places Winter: 3 Discounts for groups and families Opening On Request Half board price: from 45 €€ a 45 €
  • Access On Foot Only
  • No Animals Allowed
  • GSM Coverage
  • Sheet Bag For Sale
  • Kids Games
  • Hot Water
  • Current 220V
  • Shower
  • Local Products
  • Selection Of Bottled Wines
  • Menu for Intolerant People
Non-profit management entrusted to volunteers
Hut of new construction, clean and tidy, ideal for families and groups
Hospitality, kindness and friendliness, homemade and traditional cuisine
Largone Valley is still wild and little known
Possibility of short hikes to enjoy wonderful views